
Patelco 万事达卡® credit cards are uniquely designed to fit your lifestyle. With an everyday low 率, $0 balance transfer fee and no annual fee, they work for you on your financial journey.


Pure 万事达卡® 信用卡

You won’t find a teaser 率 here. 获得有竞争力的低利率购买和余额转账.


Points 奖励 World 万事达卡® 信用卡

获得奖励积分购买,加上2X积分的汽油和杂货. Enjoy flexible redemption options.


Progress 学生 奖励 万事达卡® 信用卡



Pure 担保 万事达卡® 信用卡


Convenience, Safety and Security

Online and mobile banking


联系less transactions


Digital wallets

Making paying a breeze, from your mobile device.

Check 奖励 balances online

The convenient way to manage your 奖励.

万事达卡® ID Theft Protection


Zero Liability Protection


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信用卡 FAQs

  • 信用卡的利率和年利率是一样的.

    一些金融产品有不同的利率和年利率。. That’s because the interest 率 is the 率 to borrow the money itself; it’s based on market 率s and your individual credit score. 的4月, on the other hand, includes other fees and costs that are also part of the loan; it’s decided by the lender. 你可以把利率看作决定你每月开支的一种方式, 年利率是确定贷款总成本的一种方法. 联邦法律要求像我们这样的贷款人在每笔消费贷款协议中都要告诉你年利率.

    The interest 率 on your credit card, also known as the Annual Percentage 率 (APR), is used to calculate charges for borrowing money (i.e. using your card) each monthly statement period. 如果你每个月全部还清信用卡,你就不会被收取利息. 利率会因信用卡和个人的不同而不同, 这取决于你的信用记录和信用评分. 你所收取的利率也受到经济利率的影响.

    我们根据你的结余和年费率(APR)计算你的每月费用。. 如果你每个月都还清信用卡,你就不会被收取利息.

    如果你没有每个月全部还清信用卡,你将被收取利息. 即使你的年利率是以年为单位表示的百分比, it is also used to calculate charges for a single month. 想想每小时的英里数——如果你以每小时40英里的速度行驶, you will travel 40 miles in an hour. 但是即使你只开了30分钟的车,你仍然可以以每小时40英里的速度行驶.

    When you carry a balance and don’t pay off your card in full, you’ll be charged for interest based on the annual 率, 而是根据你持有余额的时间来计算的.

    借记卡的一个主要优点是,它可以帮助你保持预算——因为购买的东西会立即从你已经拥有的钱中扣除. It’s more difficult to overspend with a debit card.
    借记卡的另一个优点是它通常不收费,申请也很容易. 你不需要很高的信用评分才有资格申请借记卡. 帕特尔科的所有支票账户都配有一张免费借记卡.
    信用卡的另一个优点是,他们是一个简单的方式来建立你的信用记录和(如果使用得当)增加你的信用评分. 拥有良好的信用记录和信用评分可以帮助你在以后买车或买房时获得更好的贷款.
    Whether you need a debit card or a credit card, Patelco有很多选择,如果您需要帮助来决定是否使用信用卡或申请哪种信用卡,我们随时准备与您交谈. Visit one of our branches or call us today. Or, if you’re ready, apply online.

    There are three main types of fees for credit cards: transaction fees滞纳金年费. 费用 are different from interest, 当你每个月没有全额还清信用卡时,哪一种会被收取.
    Transaction fees
    许多银行对超出限额或余额转账等收取交易费. 在帕特尔科,我们的卡在预支现金或国外购物时是要收费的. 我们大多数的卡都没有余额转账费或超限费. 查看个人卡的好处,看看是否需要支付任何费用. 与银行甚至其他信用合作社相比,我们收取的费用少得多,相信您会很高兴的.
    如果你逾期付款,我们可能会收取高达15美元的滞纳金. This is lower than the fee charged by many banks.
    When credit cards have an annual fee, 这通常是因为该卡有出色的津贴和奖励. The fee is used to help cover the cost of those benefits. Patelco的信用卡是免费的,即使是那些有很多额外好处的.
    Saving money on credit card fees
    我们的 费用表 lists all the fees for our cards. When you apply for and receive one of our cards, 我们会在您开户后得到的披露中列出任何潜在的费用. Most credit card fees can be avoided.

    你可以灵活地兑换你想要的东西和你想要的时间. 积分可兑换现金回您的Patelco支票或储蓄账户或应用到您的余额, 礼品卡, travel and more.

更多的功能 & 好处

  •  Everyday low 率s. Keep your budget in check.
  •  没有年费. Enjoy card perks without the added expense.
  •  No balance transfer fee. Save when you transfer balances from higher 率 cards.
  •  万事达卡 benefits. 享受额外的像无价的城市和旅游服务.

